The Start

It’s been ten years since I escaped the mid-west and almost fifteen years since I was advised to do so. “Get the fuck out of Akron. There’s nothing here for you and if you decide to go back, home will always be here.” My life has changed drastically since doing so. It’s amazing how much more you can get into when the the air is warm and the sun is shining a majority of the year.

One of the things I got into was traveling, especially by motorcycle. I had a wise friend talk me out of the bike I was riding and to get on an adventure bike. It’s been love ever since. That friend and I took a ride to Big Bend, then all the way through Baja to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I then took matters into my own hands and rode across the continent of Europe and into Africa with a partner. Since then, there has been some small trips here and there and a lot of off-road riding.

This month, February 2023, I leave for my biggest undertaking yet. Austin, Texas to Ushuaia, Argentina. I hope you can join me for the journey and that it may inspire you to get out in the world and seek your own adventures in this life!

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